Muhammad, the Truthful and the Honest


Muhammad (PBUH) grew with youthfulness and his heart, filled with goodness, opened. His mind, that had always studied its surroundings, continued to observe. That was Muhammad’s (PBUH) state while he was under the care of his uncle, Aboo Taalib. Yet, Muhammad (PBUH) felt like he was a burden to his kind uncle who had a large family. So he told his uncle that he wanted to go back into the desert to pasture the sheep. Muhammad (PBUH) had always loved the calm, simple life of the desert and he longed to return to it. So when his uncle agreed to his request, he eagerly went back to the surroundings of his childhood.


There, he could constantly observe the blazing sun trail its way across the searing desert skies, and at night, he could peacefully sit under the shimmering stars and watch the phases of the pale moon. There, he could witness the changes of the seasons as they came and went, and there, the wonders of the universe spread before him like an open book.

War and Peace

Whenever Muhammad (PBUH) went back to the streets and markets of Makkah, he witnessed the tribal pride and arrogance the people displayed, which led to constant disputes. He also noticed that they often abused the weaker people in the society. In fact, when he was fifteen years old, he witnessed the ‘Sacrilegious’ wars, which continued for many years and caused many, many deaths. During this horrible time, the people even fought throughout the sacred months. This deeply disturbed Muhammad (PBUH) because he realized that these wars did more harm than good. These terrible events caused damage to people’s properties, and the constant fighting, killed many of their sons. When peace was finally restored, the Quraysh agreed to form a confederacy to prevent more violence, and to stop the abuse of the weak and the poor.


Muhammad (PBUH) also witnessed the AI-Fudool Confederacy, and he was very pleased by it.
However, the story of this confederacy began when a merchant came to Makkah and sold some products to Al­’Aas bin Waa’il As-Sahmy. When he refused to pay for the products, the salesman went to a mountain top and recited verses of complaint. After this, a meeting was called, with the presence of Muhammad (PBUH) where they agreed to support the weak who were unable to support themselves. And, then, the group forced Al-‘Aas bin Waa’il to pay the salesman.

A Man of Great Trust

After some time, Muhammad (PBUH) took up trading, and his excellent character helped him in his trade. Although he stayed away from the superstitious practices of his people, Muhammad (PBUH) was still active in his community. His excellent character and sound intelligence always motivated the people to accept his opinions and he often helped them solve their problems. Muhammad (PBUH) was a honest man in his business dealings, and eventually people started to call him “Al-Ameen” (The Trustworthy). If anyone wanted to entrust money to someone, the people would tell him, “You should only go to Al-Ameen.”

Whenever the merchants wanted an honest person to handle their trade, people advised them to go to Muhammad (PBUH) Thus, as the young Muhammad (PBUH) grew up, more people noticed his wonderful qualities, until everyone knew of his truthfulness, honesty, wisdom, and good manners.


 Khadeejah and Muhammad

When news of Muhammad’s (PBUH) excellent character reached a noble woman named Khadeejah (MABPWH) she immediately sent her male servant to summon him.

Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid (MABPWH) was a widow, and a wealthy businesswoman who often hired men to do her trading. However, when she asked Muhammad (PBUH) to go to Syria for her, she offered to pay him much more than she had paid the other merchants, and she offered to send her servant, Maysarah, with him. Muhammad (PBUH) agreed to Khadeejah’s generous offer, and went to Syria to trade.

Much to Khadeejah’s (MABPWH) surprise, Muhammad (PBUH) returned with more profits from her trades than she had ever gotten before and she felt very blessed with him as her merchant. Then, when Maysarah told her about Muhammad’s (PBUH) honesty, deep thought, sincerity and good manners, her admiration for the young man deepened. Khadeejah (MABPWH) was one of the noblest women of the Quraysh, so many of the noblemen wanted to marry her, but she had refused them all. Now, however, Khadeejah (MABPWH) believed that she had found the man she wanted to share her life with -Muhammad (PBUH).

Although Muhammad (PBUH) was only twenty-five years old, he was very different from the noblemen she knew. He was humble, kind hearted, generous, honest and wise, and the people of the community respected him. Thus, Khadeejah (MABPWH) believed that he would be an honorable husband for her.

When she told her friend, Nafeesah, that she wanted to marry Muhammad (PBUH) Nafeesah immediately went to him and gave him the good news. Muhammad (PBUH) agreed, and soon after that, they were married. Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadeejah (MABPWH) lived together in love, happiness and respect.


He managed his wife’s business affairs, which she had entrusted with him and was always fair with the other merchants. He was kind and humble to the poor, and he helped the needy and he treated slaves and servants well.

In fact, when Khadeejah (MABPWH) gave him a slave named Zayd bin Haarithah, he adopted the boy and gave him his name, Zayd bin Muhammad until this practice was prohibited by Allah, after he went to Madeenah.

Soon after they were married, Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadeejah (MABPWH) were blessed with many children. Khadeejah (MABPWH) had six children from him: AI-Qaasim, Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom, Faatimah and ‘Abdullah.

However, death called on Muhammad  once again, and much to their sadness, both of their sons, AI-Qaasim and ‘Abdullah died in infancy. Yet, the devoted parents accepted Allah’s (SWT) Will with patience.

Although they could not know what the future would bring, Muhammad (PBUH) would prove to be the great man that Khadeejah (MABPWH) knew him to be, and Khadeejah (MABPWH) would be his tower of support and comfort.

Rebuilding the Ka’bah

When Muhammad (PBUH) was thirty-five years old, a special incident took place, which showed how much the people of Makkah trusted and respected him. The Ka’bah still had no roof, so thieves often stole the valuables stored inside, and when there was a sudden flood, the weak, cracked walls badly needed rebuilding.

Therefore, the Quraysh decided that all the tribes should help to rebuild the Ka’bah, but they could only use lawful money to do so. They had no idea that this would cause yet another dispute. All the tribes worked together in harmony to collect and lay the stones to rebuild the Ka’bah. However, when the project was nearly completed, and the time came to place the sacred Black Stone in its proper place, they all started to disagree. Each tribe wanted the honor of doing it, so they argued and argued for four or five days.


The attitudes of the Arabs at that time were quite hostile and the slightest argument often resulted in bloody wars. So, they all knew they had to find a solution – and fast! Finally, one of the chiefs had a suggestion.

“Whoever enters the Sanctuary first, will decide which of us will place the stone,” he said.

All of the men agreed and waited to see who would enter the mosque. Right then, by the Will of Allah who should enter the mosque … but Muhammad! (PBUH)

“Al-Ameen (the Trustworthy) has come!” the men all shouted with relief. “We’ll agree to whatever he tells us,” they said.

Most people would have been very nervous if they were in this kind of situation. However, Muhammad (PBUH) calmly provided a solution. He asked for a cloak and made the men place the sacred Stone in the center of it. Next, he made a man from each of the tribes grab a corner of the cloak, and raise it all together. Then, Muhammad (PBUH) placed the sacred Stone in its proper place with his own hands.

Everyone was very impressed and satisfied by the way Muhammad (PBUH) calmed the situation and resolved everything.

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